
When Angels Come Knockin'....

This month has been crazy, not unlike the rest of the year. I faced crazy nerves about job and internship interview, figuring out schedules for school/work, and singing in a Christmas Cabaret.

With all the changes abound, I had to wonder if I was doing the right thing. Is this what I'm supposed to be doing? 

Should I be performing and working retail when I could be praying and providing guidance to clients? 

In all seriousness, is this what I should be doing? 

I went from experiencing paranormal happenings daily and surveying the stars to having ordinary days everyday. 

Yes, ordinary days.  Every. Single. Day.

No more mirrors being thrown across the room. No more shadows dodging around furniture. No more sulphur burning my nostrils and eyes. No more whispers from ghosts begging for a cigarette. 

You would think that having led a life dealing with occurrences like this for a couple of years, it would be easy to make the change to normal. Let me tell you something, it's not as easy as you would think.

So what did I do? I prayed. I asked for a sign from whoever or whatever was listening. I prayed for guidance. 

You know what I got? 

Exactly what I asked for.

Leaving home the day of my one interview, the one I was most excited yet nervous about, I found an angel sitting right on my doorstep. Not just any angel, but an angel figure that has been present since I've been able to remember. My first thought was that it belonged to my fiancé, and that he had dropped it when he left for work only minutes before I did. 

Like any normal person, I sent a quick text with a photo attached asking if it were his. Nope.

Today, again, I ask for some sign. For something or someone to let me know that I'm on the right track. Little did I know that this message would be delivered by the postal service. 

 The paper proclaims, as it reassures me that angels are sent as ministering spirits. 

So what's the point of all of this you ask? 

When you ask for a sign, you'll get one. 

Keep your eyes and ears open, because angels will come knocking on your door so you better make sure you answer when they do!

Keith Blackwell