
"Psychic" Services: What are you paying for?

Happy October!

Every year, around this time, I get a flood of emails. Some for booking appointments (a big thank you to my clients!), and some looking for free tarot readings, or other consultations. While I personally would love to be able to sit in my office all day and read for and empower client after client, without a single worry, that's just not how it works. Just like everyone else, readers have bills to pay.

In a way, I understand where people are coming from when they ask for free consultations.

Here's a few...

  1. They're often scared that it's a scam (keep reading for more on this)

  2. They're fearful of what they might hear

  3. They've never had a consultation, and aren't sure what to expect (One could compare this to eating a new restaurant for the first time. Just because you've never tried it, doesn't mean you aren't going to like it. Plus, you'll never know if you don't try!)

  4. They don't want to pay to hear things they know they aren't going to like

When you are looking for someone to do a consultation for you, take a few things into consideration... 

How did you hear about them? Ask your friends if they've ever had a reading, and if so, with whom? Personal referrals can often calm one's nerves, especially if it is from someone you trust!

If you find a reader online, check out a few things. Do they have an email so you can ask questions (such as how they conduct appointments, where they are available, etc.) prior to booking an appointment? If they refuse to answer any questions prior to payment, this could be a warning flag. Just like any business owner or private contractor, they should be able to explain how they work.

Are they professional and consistent? In addition to the previous question, they should be professional. A good reader will keep any information disclosed in a session confidential (excluding cases of harm to oneself or another).

Trust your gut/instinct/intuition. If you're reading their website or brochure and you don't feel comfortable, you're gonna have a bad time. Seriously, if you feel uneasy and you haven't even begun a session, booking one isn't going to make it go away.

Alright, so now you've decided to go ahead and book your appointment and you're not really sure why you're paying...

You're paying for their time, knowledge, tools, etc. Just like going to see a masseuse, nutritionist, or mechanic, you're paying for the skills they're bringing to the table. Your money also keeps them going. Rent, utilities, etc. are all part of operating a business.

You're paying for a translation. Readers are literally deciphering messages from the Universe. Whether they're using tarot cards, astrology, pendulums, or mediumship, a reader figure out the who, what, why, when, where of the message and how it relates to you.

Keep in mind... During a consultation, be open and truthful with your consultant. This doesn't mean they're a fraud by any means, it just means that you are willing to open up to the possibilities and guidance that is waiting for you. Also, you are not going to like everything you hear. Frequently, I read for people who say "This isn't what I wanted to hear, this isn't what I am paying you to tell me!" Sorry to break it to you, but this is not how this works. Life isn't a cakewalk, it's not all about rainbows and unicorns and so that's not how the messages are going to be relayed. Consultations aren't about fortune telling by any means, they are about shaping your own future and looking into all the potential your life's journey holds!

If you have questions about an experience you've had with a reader, or are interested in booking a reading or learning more about them, please feel free to visit to contact me! 

Keith Blackwell