
Living with your Shadow Side

Let's face it, we all know someone who is hash-tagging #loveandlight or "XOXO LOVE & LIGHT"-ing it at the end of every Facebook status or insta-post. Is shoving "Love & Light" down everyone's' throats helping? Probably not. Thinking that forcing that upon people while you throw glitter at them makes you serious-craft confetti-filled-disaster.

I'll admit, I used to sign off of letters/emails/statuses with "love & light" because it seemed like the "NEW AGE" - NEW thing to do. Did I really mean it? Absolutely. I think people need lots of love and light in their lives. Is saying it 1000 times a day going to make it happen? NO.

Everyone has something to learn from their shadow/dark side. 

If you look in the mirror and scream "Love & Light" and pray for rainbows to flow out of your pores, you're not getting it. So when I read people spamming "love & light" and posting statuses like they are nothing but light, I know these individuals are nothing but delusional.

When I see a status or meet a person like that, I know they are more at work with themselves than the people who honor both the light and dark inside of themselves.  If you don't learn how to tame and respect the shadow side of yourself, you're in for a rude awakening when the Universe puts you to the test.

Let's get real.

How do you really feel about things? It's okay to get mad and to not like someone - you don't have to love everyone. It's fine to be pissed off that you forgot something at the grocery store. It's genuine to cry when something traumatic happens. It's realistic to want to make more money - not selfish. Feeling your feelings - the good and bad - makes you human and as long as you know how to handle them, you're much better off.

Learning that you have a dark side is going to help you address fears and feelings from the inside out. When you scream "love & light" at yourself and others, you aren't fixing anything. The shadow part of yourself isn't going to go away, it'll retaliate until it is noticed!

The gist of all of this, is that life is about balance. Learning how to live in harmony with your dark side is not about becoming a villain, it's about becoming YOU. Light, dark, and every other shade in the spectrum. When it comes down to it, your shadow is on your side. You just gotta learn how to live with it.

Need help learning how to live in balance with your shadow? Book a reading at

Keith Blackwell