
Prayer, Peace, and Elbow Grease - My Transformation Tuesday

I ♥ Instagram. Watching people's daily lives, but one of my favorite days (besides Throwback Thursday) is Transformation Tuesday. Seeing how people CHANGE, hell I ♥ change as much as I do Instagram. Today, I was inspired to write a bit about my own transformation. Let's start with my own Instagram photo...


Those photos on the left really aren't from that long ago. I was damn near 300 lbs. I hated seeing doctor's (ok that hasn't changed), but everytime I went things like diabetes and early death were thrown in my face as if the humility of living with the weight everyday weren't enough.

A lot changed in a little time. The Universe is can be quite a coach when you get off track. God, Goddess, whatever you choose to believe in will lay the smack down and get you on course whether you want to be on it or not. You are not messing with the plan.

For me, high school was ending, college was starting, travel, moving, and so much more, but the more time that passed the more I felt, "My body doesn't show my authentic self and is not who I am."

So what did I do? My secret took a lot of praying, peace, & elbow grease.


Despite popular belief, I don't sit at home and meditate and pray all day. Sorry! I'm just like everyone else. I have stuff to do just like everyone else, but that doesn't mean I don't take time to pray. Make the time to pray whether it's when you open your eyes in the morning or when you're closing them going to sleep or anytime in between. Even if you don't have the opportunity to speak the words, think them. The Universe can totally hear you.

Pray for the Universe to help you show your authenticity. I did. I know I won't ever be a small or an x-small, but you know what? I'm ok with it. You don't have to be the smallest or prettiest person, but you can be something else no one can and that's you.  You're presence is your power, and you hold all the power you need when you are you. 


Seriously, chill out. For the majority of my life, I was a very angry person and hanging onto that anger takes a lot of energy. So instead of using that energy and doing something productive, I would just hang onto it and waste it.

Take the time to just breathe. I know this is hard sometimes, because it seems like we get weirded out when the guy standing next to us in line at the market is breathing heavily, but expanding your lungs gives our bodies a way to deal with stress. Less stress is best.

Elbow Grease

I won't lie. Prayer and peace isn't always enough. I had trouble walking most of the time to be honest. So I took the step (literally) and started running. Running was the best first step I ever took in my life. I cried, I stumbled, I fell (a lot), I thought my lungs and heart were going to catch on fire or fly out of my nose, and just hurt a lot. The feeling though was euphoric because for the moments I spent running, I thought of nothing else except moving forward. 

Lately, I've replaced running with yoga but the facts are still the same. Dance, run, whatever. Just move. When I'm downward dogging or doing warrior 1, 2, or 3 I'm in gratitude. Sure I may fall a lot, but there's going to be the one time I don't that's going to make all of the hard work worth it. 

For me, my journey was more or less started for me. I was kicked in the ass and told to hit the trails running, and I haven't stopped since. Now I'm in love with myself. Not in a weird, self-centered way, but in love with the fact that I'm happy with myself now. Love has a lot in common with weight loss.

 Love is patience, love is kind, it'll make your lose your mind.  

That's about how I felt every day when I woke up and saw myself in the mirror every morning. How could anyone ever love me? I can't stand to look at myself. The weight didn't magically disappear, but when I learned to be happy with who I am and show my authenticity, my body followed suit.   

So remember Prayer, Peace, & Elbow Grease. Oh and drink lots of water.  

Keith Blackwell