
Just Because It's The First, Doesn't Mean It's The Last.

I'll admit, for a long time I've known I was gay. It's not something I ever tried to hide, but I wasn't one to go parading around Broadway screaming about either. Over the past year and a half, I've had many of my friends come forward and tell me, "Oh I knew it!" and similar things. Not that I cared, but that's not the point.

Fortunately, even though people have had their suspicions they've been kind to me. I always told myself it was because I showed kindness to other people. Never a bad word or slur thrown my way, that is until last night.

Chicken Mountain, as if that place isn't a damned train wreck in and of itself, I never thought I'd have a problem with this. Last night, while I was working by myself I had four guys come in, not much older than me at all. Helping each of them, was fine until the last one. I won't go into detail of what he said, but it was enough to infuriate me.

This one muttered something, and my curt response was, "I'm sure," which sent the other three into a frantic frenzy. After ignoring them in the hope that they would just go away, they didn't at first. A simple, "Get the f out," seemed to do the trick though. 

They'll get what's coming to them. I knew this to be true as it whispered through my head. There's no point in retaliating in a similar fashion. It would only bring me down to their level. 

I wasn't as shocked as they were when they went out to their extended cab pickup truck (I mean what else would four uptight, homophobic white boys drive?) to find a flat tire.


You know what's even more surprising? Not a god damn one of them knew how to change a flat tire. I will give them one thing though, they did have the courage to come back in and ask me if there was anybody who knew how to change a flat. Instead of reaching over the counter and choking him like I wanted to, I settled for setting him on fire with my eyes. Haha, I wish. No, I simply told him that although I knew how to change a flat, they'd have a better chance of dating me than they did of me helping them.

In hindsight, I could've reacted differently. I could've been helpful to them, I could've cried, I could've handled the situation so differently. I'm glad I didn't, but I could have.

As unfortunate as it was that this happened, I knew deep down that it was going to one day, just as I know it will happen again.

"Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic, capable of both inflicting injury and remedying it."  ~~~ Albus Dumbledore

P.S. - Karma is a bitch, especially the instant kind. 

Keith Blackwell