
My Time as a Hotline Psychic

Yep, you read that right. Back in September I was approached to be a part of this "online outreach program for psychic" where the psychics would compensated for offering their services.

In order to make a really long description short, it was a legal psychic hotline established by individuals with doctorates. 

After some intensive interview and rigorous testing (and some tears shed after having to give some bad news to my interviewers) I was in. I was set up with my own "800" number and given a profile to fill out to be published and make me "marketable" to seekers of psychic counseling.


I was not prepared for what they considered psychic counseling.

Caller #1 screamed at me because I didn't tell her "what she wanted to hear" and because I told her what she needed to hear "I was obviously a fraud." --- Um what? After giving her the 411 that just because she doesn't like what she hears doesn't mean I'm a fraud, it means that I'm being authentic and giving you the information your guides what you to know. Her request for "Well your intuition must be off, use tarot cards. Oh I don't like what those are saying either, use a pendulum. WHAT DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND? THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT! THERE IS NO WAY!" After apologizing for her unsatisfactory experience, I wished her luck, forwarded her to customer service and told her to ask for a refund. I apologized that we weren't a good match on any level, and while as a human being I felt frustrated, I felt proud standing by my own morals and not caving in and just telling the woman what she wanted to hear.

Generally, calls went great, but when they went bad - they went straight to code red/level 5 disaster, to the point where I questioned the work I was doing for this place.

The call that made me end my contract with the place was when I was informed by customer service that I would be in touch with one of their "frequent platinum customers." Platinum customer? Should I not be treating all clients (these people aren't just a dollar sign - they're real people) with the utmost respect and to the best of my abilities? Only a few minutes into our session she broke down and tears and told me I was the only consultation that didn't talk her in circles and make her feel like she was helpless and that I could do much better than working for this place.


In that moment a client changed my world. I went from having phone calls asking about Spice Girls, spirit guides and everything in-between, to having a client confirm what my intuition was already telling me. 

My goal is to empower my clients and help them work through everything from daily struggles to eternal karmic lessons. I already knew the solo work I did was way better than the pressure this place made me feel. Not every client is going to walk away from a reading saying they love what they heard, but that's not how life works and that's not how the Universe teaches its lessons.

Although I was begged to stay by the owners of the "program" to stay, it just wasn't in the best interest of anyone involved.

Overall, I learned that the way I work with clients isn't commercial, it's genuine. I genuinely care about my clients, they are more to me than a paycheck, they are people (and sometimes old souls) looking for spiritual, emotional, and directive guidance.


* If you've stumbled across this blog looking to learn why you pay for psychic services, click here .

** If you've come across this blog and want to book your intuitive counseling session, click here.  

Keith Blackwell